Obama: The Slave Owner

So the average American citizen does not care they will become President Barack Hussein Obama’s slaves a true objective of the Muslim doctrine.

Not many Americans realize the President Obama is becoming a slave owner. He will be greater than any slave owner in American history. The writing is on the wall the 12 trillion dollar debt caused by the failed stimulus package that needs to be paid off, the health care reform package with its trillion dollar price tag and the cap and trade bill that will cost every American family $4300 minimum every year, are the basic contractual lines that Americans signed to become slaves when Obama became president.

All these spending packages will require every American to work for the United States government, in other words all the money earned by each citizen will go to taxation being passed by Obama and his clowns in Congress. If the poor think they will not be taxed well look at all the fees and taxes being talked about, road taxes, taxes on medical benefits and even taxes on soda pop.

This is the truest form of slavery all the working effort and free time is dedicated to the owner of the plantation. That is correct because one pays taxes to use national parks it is called fees, one wants to go anywhere the cost of fuel is taxed and even food in most states is taxed; so all the freedom is gone because the government is the owner of the American citizen. It would seem that most American’s like this program being Obama’s slave.

The way it relates to Muslim doctrine, which now he claims in front of Egyptians as part of his raising that was denied during the elections, the religion wants to control all human life on the planet or destroy it. So Obama has destroyed the American lifestyle and economy to put its citizenry under the control of Muslim doctrine. The purpose of Obama and the Muslim world is to annihilate the Christian-Judeo citizenry of this country. All these disparaging taxes and controls have come from places that are influenced by radical Muslim and socialistic ideals. Proof that Obama has leanings toward the Muslim world he is trying his best to have Israel removed from the earth. Of course Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has put out his ideas on peace especially with the Palestinians and those issues of trust with Israel’s neighbors. Obama wants to give the green light to Iran to destroy Israel by not stopping its nuclear weapons program.

Most Americans today pay more on taxes then food, clothing and housing, according to the Tax Foundation. This is proof that as the citizens of America sits back and watches all of their hard work and leisure goes to the slave owner Obama. The shackles have been put into place and the plantation bosses are Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Timothy Geithner. So now when the citizens of America wake up to this realization they will not be able to escape the chains that are on them and their children. More than likely Americans will be sold to China to pay off the loans made to finance the stimulus package. Then China will have American slaves in their factories as they do their own citizens.

The President Barack Hussein Obama can get on top of his Muslim minaret and call all Americans to prayer five times a day, principally pray to him and not to Allah.

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