The Greedy Unions and Democrats Destroying Wisconsin

So now everybody can now see how greedy unions and Barack Hussein Obama really are for the taxpayers dollar.

Currently in Wisconsin the Governor Scott Walker is trying to reduce the deficit before having to raise taxes. One of those ways is to call upon the teachers unions to contribute to their health insurance and pension plans. Along with that plan is the legislation to take away the bargaining power of the teachers unions.

The unions have protested over this move the same way as the Egyptians did against Hosni Mubarack for freedom and lower food prices. The difference is that what the teachers are demanding that Wisconsin taxpayers give them a free ride. The taxpayer should be responsible for the teacher’s benefits. The excuse that teachers give is that they are cash strapped. The average teacher’s pay is $89,000 per year.

Now they have called in sick to go and protest the governor in Madison, Wisconsin. This process has also included students to hold up protest signs. To add to the mess the Democrats in the legislator has left the state so that the bill cannot be passed. Now these are the real cowards in the process. The bill requires one more Democrat to be on the floor to pass the bill and he can even vote against the bill.

Now if one considers the teachers as being picked on or being bullied how about the taxpayers, students and for that matter the parents of the students. They have now become hostages by the teachers union. Is it right for a union to have so much power that it can destroy people’s lives?

Now here is where Obama is showing up his organization, Organizing for America is bussing protestors from out of state. They are coming from Ohio and Illinois. This is the same tactic that is used in the Middle East; agitators are brought in to stir up anti-government sentiment. This group is trying not only to destroy the governor of Wisconsin but also the will of the people.

The teacher’s union claims they had no clue this was about happen. This is totally fictional because the governor ran on that type of platform, to get government spending under control and reduce the deficit that the state is facing.

The union does not care about helping the taxpayer or the governor at this time just like in Washington D. C. They think that money magically appears out of then air. It is time that the taxpayer stand up and demand that these teachers and union people help in saving money and be rid of their socialist ideals.

These people are corrupting the way children are being taught in school today. It is all about greed. To bring in goons and agitators to drive fear into the common citizen and their children, has to be viewed as the most outrageous use of power.

In Wisconsin or in any other state the amount of money that is available is very limited it should not go all to the government. It is time to tell the rest of the people to stand up and say no to money grabbing unions and Democrats.


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